We look forward to celebrating the Class of 2027 as they receive their Mercy pins! This event marks the halfway point of a Mercy Girl’s high school experience and is a beloved tradition.
Mercy Girls may take the SAT off campus. If you have any questions about testing locations, please contact director of student services, Kristy Cummings.
Join us for our spring musical, Sister Act! We can't wait to see our Footlighters bring this story of sisterhood and friendship to life. Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased here!
Join us for our spring musical, Sister Act! We can't wait to see our Footlighters bring this story of sisterhood and friendship to life. Tickets are on sale and can be purchased here!
Join us for our spring musical, Sister Act! We can't wait to see our Footlighters bring this story of sisterhood and friendship to life. Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased here!
Mercy Girls, their families, and our alumnae are invited to march in this year's parade as we celebrate the Irish roots of the Sisters of Mercy! The parade steps off at 2:00 p.m. at the Washington Monument. If you are interested in joining us for the parade, please sign up so that we can provide you with a special Mercy St. Patrick Parade shirt! You can also cheer us on as we make our way along the route!
Mercy Girls in the Class of 2025 will attend an overnight retreat. More information will be made available from our director of campus ministry, Rebecca Egan Hogg ’89, P’27, closer to the event.
Mercy Girls in the Class of 2025 will attend an overnight retreat. More information will be made available from our director of campus ministry, Rebecca Egan Hogg ’89, P’27, closer to the event.
Join us for this year’s ROARING 20’s themed Garnet Gala! The Garnet Gala will be held at Martin’s Valley Mansion in Cockeysville, MD. Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased here.
For more information on sponsorships and volunteer opportunities, please contact Theresa Hart, database and gift processing manager.
Mercy High School Baltimore is a sponsored ministry of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and is a member of Mercy Education.
Mercy High School proudly partners with eCampus for textbooks and other materials for our Mercy Girls.
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